/ Initiatives

Our current and funded projects

By partnering with the Héma-Québec Foundation, our donors demonstrate their commitment to our cause and it is with deep gratitude that we recognize their generosity in giving the gift of life.

/ Ongoing project

Plasma Donor Education and Recruitment Program.

/ Ongoing project

Serology program of the foundation.

/ Ongoing project

Association of Blood Donor Volunteers.

/ Funded project

Public breast milk bank.

/ Funded project

HLA study for First Nations.

/ Funded project

Specular microscope.

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dernières nouvelles et mises
à jour importantes.


Fondation Héma-Québec
4045, boulevard Côte-Vertu
Saint-Laurent (Québec)  H4R 2W7

Téléphone: 514 832-5000 # 5753
Télécopieur: 514 904-3077


© 2020 Fondation Héma-Québec. Tous droits réservés.